Gratitude List: Work Buddies (A Teeny Tiny Explanation).

First of all, I know it has been a while and I appreciate you coming back to read my writings.

I’ve been hosting a few pity-parties recently.  It happens, once in a while.  When I find myself in such spaces, I usually sit and make what I like to call Gratitude Lists (such as this one HERE).  

It reminds me that I really do not have anything to complain about and need to stop feeling sorry for myself.

I am currently reading Amy Poehler’s Yes, Please! (thanks Mimi!).  In the most recent chapter I read, she talks about people she has worked with and the best things about having them in her life.  It got me thinking about the awesome people I’ve been privileged to work with over the past (almost) 10 years, and so I decided to write a series of posts and tell you about these ballistic beings. 

So, here goes.  Gratitude List: Work Buddies.

1. Rudende
2. KK
3. Ghill
4. BK

PSA: It might get a bit schmaltzy up in here.  Allow.


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