Gratitude List: Work Buddies. KK.

I first met KK in a staff meeting.  I was still relatively new as station manager, and should have been chairing the meeting, but this post isn’t about micro-managing, so let’s move on.
We were all told about his glittering career, and how he was back from a stint in Kigali.  KK was practically silent throughout the meeting, in his self-deprecating way.  We were eventually put together on the breakfast show, which didn’t start off too well.  I thought he was too risqué, he thought I was too prudish.  One day, during a music break, he just let loose and told me to relax, dammit!  And I did.  Thus began some of the greatest radio lessons I have ever received.  From a somewhat crazy, off-kilter guy.

My favourite part of being in studio…

When we started hosting The Morning After Show on Saturday mornings.  I would be hungover, KK would be fresh and full of mischief.  He’d be downloading porn questionable content and series, introducing me to GOT and House of Cards and Mad Men and tons of other dope shit.  During music breaks, we’d tune in online to Phat Joe in South Africa and dream about how we’d change the radio scene in Uganda.  We’d buy each other breakfast.  He taught me how to roll a sausage in a chapatti AND NO THAT ISN’T A EUPHEMISM FOR ANYTHING YOU DIRTY-MINDED MISCREANTS.  We’d plan road trips with the crew.  He’d tell me about friends of his who had crushes on me and gave me so much confidence in my delivery I felt like Uganda’s Jo Wiley (Google her).  He taught me how to script and to go off the cuff and how to let my on-air freak flag fly.  We laughed ALL.  THE.  TIME

A lot of people don’t know…

KK is super-private.  That’s all.  But he’s also one of the most polite, loving, passive aggressive savage beings I know.

I laughed the hardest…

When KK and Rudy passed by home to pick me up for some event, I can’t remember which one.  My Dad had broken his hip and was bed-ridden, but the lads came in to say hello.  When I got back home, my parents were concerned at how skinny he was, “with all that beard”, and asked me why I wasn’t making more of a concerted effort to ensure he was being fed.  I laughed and let it go, because I wasn’t about to explain the munchies to my folks.


  1. Got mad love for KK..dude is a legend and has sure changed the radio scene in Uganda!

  2. great article

  3. I read this article a year ago but today felt I should do it again. Rudy and KK are real legends on the radio scene but still humble. I have been following closely and wish them the best wherever thay are still. Kanyindo me just enjoy all the reliable nosense from you I don't care how other Ugandans and the so called wise people on internet term it but that is me. Blessings

    1. Thank you so much Samuel! Thank you for coming back to read this post again. You are appreciated.


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