Gratitude List: Work Buddies. BK.

I first met BK when he joined Xfm as a DJ.  I’d heard quite a bit about him, but had never seen his face, because he was always in a mask on stage and on posters.  He was sitting at my boss’ desk for a while, and I just carried on minding my business.  It wasn’t until later that I was told “This is THE DJ BK.”  He seemed very serious and put together.  How wrong I was.

I soon found out the guy is a LUMPEN.  Listen.  BK is 50 Shades of Stupid.  Naturally, we became fast friends.  His stupid totally gets mine.

Apart from being a ballistic DJ, BK eventually became the station’s marketing manager.  We would spend ages brainstorming, and eventually executing stuff.  It was always difficult sitting in a serious boardroom meeting with him because one of us would send the other a stupid Whatsapp and inevitably end up in the giggles. 

My favourite part of being in studio…

Every morning around 7am, Rudy, Ghill and I would look out the studio window to find BK doing some stupid jig outside.  The studio is right next to the main entrance, and has tinted windows, so we always had fun watching people walk past, adjust their crotch, or peer in curiously, unaware that the three of us could see them clear as day.

So BK would stop outside, and dance, or gesticulate, to get our attention.  Sometimes we would indulge him.  One time we all blatantly ignored him for 5 minutes.  He eventually stormed into the studio complaining that we’d made a fool of him.  Dude, you did that all by yourself.

Sometimes he’d come in to dance with us, or to be The Random Guy In The Corner.  His mixes were always INSANE and made us lose our collective shit on numerous occasions. 

A lot of people don’t know…

If you are his friend, BK will do anything for you.  (He will also DESTROY you with cocktails on your birthday. Chisos.) He has come through for me so many times.  Even if it is just to say something to make me laugh or calling to tell me some stupid joke that only he seems to find funny. 

I’ll never forget getting to the church on the day of my Dad’s funeral.  BK was the first person I saw as I walked in.  I remember thinking wait, how come he is here?  But then later on I was like, of course he was. 

He’s also the one who told me to get my arse in gear and do a podcast with the lads.  #NotRadio is largely due to him.  He’s the guy who cracks the whip.  And laughs at everything we say.

I laughed the hardest…

Eish.  There are too many moments to name.  The times he’d pretend to be snogging someone in the corner of the studio (I have video of that, somewhere).  When he’d say something MONUMENTALLY stupid and Rudy would sucker punch him.  And of course, whenever we do our customary greeting.  See below.


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