The Versatile Blogger Award and Stuff...

Can I start this post by saying I am so ashaaaaaaaaaaaaaamed it has taken me this long to write it?! I won't bore you with the whys and wherefores.  Just know I am sorry and will do better.

So, I am still all a-flutter because the lovely Sinawo Bukani saw fit to add me to her list of nominees for this fabulous award.  

I came across Sinawo on Twitter, where she was answering questions tweeted by @AfroBloggers . Her answers intrigued me because she answered many in almost exactly the same way I would have done!  I checked out her blog, and her honesty and style just spoke to me. A kindred spirit!  It was a no brainer that I would follow her and become an avid reader.

Thank you Sinawo!

Now for The Rules part.  My nominees are as follows:

Sinawo Bukani Coz I swear we were sisters in another life or something.

@TheRealLumpen Because her posts are powerful and put me in the feeeeeeeels!!

Ernest Bazanye Because this guy.  This dude. Is a genius. That is all.

Mariah Because giiiiirrrrllllll can turn up the HEAT!! Dayum! That's all I'm sayin'!

Edwina Because her posts are so personal.  And she's one of the sweetest people I've ever met.

@ChipoAutumn Because she is truly a versatile writer! And I love learning more about Zambia from her blog.

@AwesomelyLuvvie Because I sweeeeyaaaaa I haven't laughed like this for ages! Since discovering her blog I've been crying in office practically errday. With laughter, that is.

@Beewol Because he writes about anything and everything and is so. Damn. CONSISTENT.

 I must apologise for the second time, as I have clearly broken the first rule!! I've only nominated 8 people. 8 incredible bloggers who make me laugh, sigh, think, and awww, sometimes all at once.  The fact that I couldn't hit 15 is a clear sign that I need to read WAY more.  So please do help me and send me links to blogs you think I simply MUST read!  Feel free to use the 7 facts about me below to guide you.  Just so you don't send me links to stuff about spiders and clowns because, eww.

Ok, here goes.

  1. I am terrified of clowns and spiders. Oh, and thunderstorms.
  2. Even though I've done it countless times, I get incredibly nervous before I have to go on stage, either to MC or perform.
  3. I was fascinated with fire when I was a kid. When I was about 8 years old, I set our garage on fire.  Luckily not too much damage was done.  But I didn't admit the truth to my parents until I was 16 years old.  I'm still ashamed it took me that long to confess.
  4. I have trypophobia. And actually feel a bit ill just having typed that.  Yuck. If you are easily grossed out and don't know what it is, DON'T GOOGLE IT!!!
  5. I love the smell of freshly cut grass and how the soil smells when it rains for the first time in a long time.
  6. I am low key obsessed with nail art and silver jewellery.  Especially rings, studs and hoops.
  7. Alice from Alice In Wonderland is my spirit animal and then some.
Ok, all done!!  Another special s/o to Sinawo for nominating me.  And to Baz for getting me to blog in the first place.  You guys are awesome.


  1. I Googled 'trypophobia.' The images that popped up? I shall never be the same AGAIN. What did I just see?!

    And best believe more feels will be served!

    1. We can be traumatised together. And yay! Bring on the feels!

  2. Petrichor. That smell gives me a near orgasm!

    You burned down a garage? Why am I not surprised? You rebel!

    Thank you for the nomination. It's an honour to be listed alongside those awesome bloggers. Let me see if I can reveal some truths about myself too.

    1. Hahaha not so much a rebel as an accidental arsonist. And yes! Petrichor! Thank you for reminding me of the word!

  3. Hi Sorry Ma'am did you just say you put your garage on fire??? Arsonist!!!!!!!! Call the cops somebody!!!!! hahahahaha

    Thank you I loved knowing all 7 of these about you. The intro warmed my heart #SisterSisterForever <3 <3 <3

    I am so glad you also broke at least one rule!!!


    1. Lol yes I did. Awww, #SisterSisterForever indeed xox


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