Gratitude List: The Joys of Puppy Love

It's no secret that I absolutely adore dogs.

I brought my two puppies, Zsa Zsa and Pepper, from the farm in Kinoni to Kampala, right after New Years.

It had been a long time coming, lots of preparation and visits to the farm from when they were born in August.  I was especially excited because their mother, Biscuit, has been with us since she was a puppy.  When she gave birth to a litter of 8 puppies, it was a real event in our family.  Our little Biscuit was all grown up!

Biscuit. Just look at that face!

I grew up with dogs being a part of the family, but until now, the responsibility was always with my parents as regards the vet, food etc.

Now it's all on me.

It was a bit daunting at first.  No sooner had the pups been in Kampala for a week and had their appointment with the vet, they fell ill, reacting to the vaccines pumped into their little bodies.  After spending a few days at the vet's (I had NO idea there was a facility in Uganda where dogs could be admitted!!) the pups were back home, happy and healthy.

They have very different personalities.  Zsa Zsa has CRAZY fomo.  As in, she is hyper and boisterous.  Very affectionate.  And the spitting image of her mother.

Zsa Zsa. The calm before the storm.

Pepper on the other hand, is calm and chilled.  Such a laydeee.  She's much smaller than Zsa Zsa but is not to be trifled with.

Pepper.  The eyes. The ears. Pure cuteness.

My Gratitude post today is all about my puppies.  Many people don't understand why I love my dogs so much, which is fine.  It is lovely to get home after a mad day at work and see their little tails wagging.    

Here's to being grateful for pets.  I'm certainly grateful for mine.


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