Gratitude List: My Mama

I promised myself that I would write a Gratitude List post for every day this week.

So far so good.

But it's only Day 2 so I shouldn't get ahead of myself.

Today's post is dedicated to my mother.  She brought me into the world and on many occasions has told me that she can take me out of it again.  There is so much I could say about her, but there simply isn't enough space.  So I will just have to keep doing it piece by piece.

One of the many things I love about my mother is how straight-forward she is.  As a teenager I often hated how she would tell you exactly what she thought of your behaviour (much as you deserved a severe telling-off), and how it made her feel when you acted like a complete turd.  ''I am the only person in the world who will tell you the truth! Because I love you!'' *cue juvenile teenage eyeroll*. Ugh, I cringe when I remember myself as a teen.

Now, as an adult, I cherish my relationship with my mother because we are more alike than I ever thought was possible.  I love the fact that we laugh about the same things.  I love that we are both determinedly, unashamedly true to our truest selves. I love it when people tell me how much I look like her.  I used to think they said that because people always used to say my siblings and I all looked like my Dad, so they wanted my Mum to have at least ONE child resemble her.  But the older I get, the more I see how much I look like her.

The last time she was in town, we stayed up way past midnight talking.  It's happened before, of course, just not in a long while.  We cooked together, ate dinner, and didn't move from the table until late! (Apart from me getting up to refill our wine glasses).  And it was one of the best nights ever.

So here's to my mother, for her fierce love, her sense of humour, her constant encouragement and belief in me, and for being the only person in the world who could tell me my butt is as flat as a chapati in such a loving manner.

I am so grateful to have her in my life.


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