#7DayChallengeUganda Day 2

Friday 17th May

Today started off fantastic!  A friend of mine had brought me mangoes from the tree in her garden the other day, so I took them out of the fridge this morning and chopped them up to take to work for breakfast.

Yummy in my Tummy.

Apart from my boss trolling me on Twitter AGAIN (spreading malicious lies about me being spotted in KFC last night), this Friday looked like it was going to be a good one.

Honestly.  You'd think he had better things to do than troll an employee.

I swung by Blu Flamingo to hang out with the #NotRadio crew, thinking it would just take my lunch-hour, then I could come back and tuck into the delicious salad I had carried for my lunch.  No chance!  As soon as I got back to my desk, things got hectic and the lunch was forgotten.  Which explains why it is 5.30pm and I am grumpy as hell.  At least I've got something extra to look forward to when I get home, apart from the butternut squash and avocado that will accompany my dinner!

Butternut squash from the market (with kedo on the side!)

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings...



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