#7DayChallenge Here I Come!

When I heard about the 7 Day Challenge spearheaded by the Swedish Institute (in collaboration with Green Team Initiative), I immediately thought that I would love to get involved.  Reading more about the challenge, I felt a bit apprehensive.  Could I really do this?

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

The call to action invites committed individuals to practice sustainable lifestyles that could improve their quality of life.  There are 3 categories:  EAT SMART, MOVE SMART and LIVE SMART.

Eating smart involves knowing the source of the food on your plate.  Did you get your vegetables from a supermarket, or the organic farmer at the market down the road from your home?  Did you know that someone with meat in their diet has a higher carbon footprint than someone who doesn’t? (I didn’t, but now I do.  You learn something new every day).

Nom nom nom

Moving smart is pretty obvious.  Are you driving a fuel guzzler, regardless of the distance?  Have you considered taking public transport or car-pooling to get to work?  Walking or even jogging to your destination?

Just because Barack looks good jogging

Living smart is quite possibly the simplest of the 3 categories.  Switch off your appliances when they’re not in use, rather than leaving them on standby.  Turn off the lights and AC when you leave the office at the end of the day, that kind of thing.

Deciding which of the categories I was going commit to was not as easy as I thought, so I’m going to do a bit of each.

The most challenging one for me?  Eat smart.  For the next 7 days, starting Thursday 16th May, I’m going to follow a vegetarian diet.  I don’t eat meat that often, but you guys know how much I love chicken!  Also, no more lazy stops at the supermarket veggie stall: I’ll be buying all my fruit and veg from the market at the trading centre.

Just imagine me with my little kikapu! 

Speaking of the market, I admit I usually hop on a boda to get there.  Since moving smart is a part of the campaign, I’ll be walking over, with my shopping basket (because, no plastics, please), and buying fruit and veg that are in season. 

I admit that I am guilty of leaving my TV on standby, but I’ll be making a conscious effort not to do so any more, throughout the 7 days and beyond.

Now I know that doing my small bit to develop a sustainable urban lifestyle does NOT mean living like a Survivor contestant or eating bark like Bear Grylls, I’m ready. 

Why don’t you join me?



  1. Am Joining You,I will Be Tagging you

  2. https://wildjungletrails.com/tours-holidays/uganda-wildlife-safaris/


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