Didn't Mean To Leave You With The Wrong Impression Part 2

I’ve been told that I give people the wrong impression, particularly on Twitter.

Let me explain.

You know how it is that you can just be minding your own business, trawling the TL, and someone tags you in a post deemed flirtatious or forward? Or you post something totally innocuous but it is taken off in a completely unexpected direction?  Or people just. Don’t. GET IT?!

I know it’s happened to you, too.

How much of what you tweet do you think determines the way people communicate with you?  How much control do you think you have, short of blocking or muting people, over the tweets you receive? I’m not talking about people who post explicit pictures of themselves, or the so-called ‘thirsty tweets’ that often take over the TL.  I think if you post that kind of content, you’re bound to attract a certain type of feedback, and shouldn’t be surprised if you do.

As someone who, in my own humble opinion, tweets a fair amount of nonsense, as well as pictures of puppies and kittens, I expect to receive the same, which, for the most part, I do.  (Special shout out to the tweeps who make me laugh on the daily, and happily fall in with the madness). 

However I also do accept that, being in the public eye, there will be the odd tweet that could possibly cause the person I’m in a relationship with to think- but who is that person?  And how come they feel they can be so free with you?

Here’s the thing.  Social media has changed everything from the way we communicate to the people we communicate with.  And much as there are people who use it negatively, for the most part I think it’s a good thing.

There are people I know who would never dream of talking as much in real life as they do on social media.  And in some cases, that’s ok!  Not everyone is as outspoken as I am.  Or feels confident enough to speak up in person.  Yet on Twitter, hiding behind their handle, they can do that.  Much as it’s that mentality that has given birth to trolls, for those who feel more confident tweeting than speaking, more power to them.

So if we happen to cross paths on the TL, and I post a joke, or a smiley face, or whatever (if someone can be turned on by feet, I think it is very possible for even the most innocent tweet to be taken out of context), please understand- I didn’t mean to leave you with the wrong impression.  And I’m not trying to get into your pants or invite you to get into mine. It’s just Twitter.


  1. This one time, he looked at my social media content and concluded - "You seem happier without me"

    The other day, my friend says - "You seem happy"
    Me, "Oh, Why"
    Them, "Nanti, your twitter posts"

    I. wonder. where. this. notion. comes. from.
    I. mean. really!!


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