Coffee and Me- A love affair.

Last week I attempted, rather unsuccessfully, to wean myself off coffee.

I do a morning show on radio 6 days a week, so coffee has become an essential part of my life, and my show.

But as part of my new health regimen (that’s for another article, so don’t ask) I needed to cut down the number of cups I drink to no more than two standard-sized mugs a day in lieu of the six large-enough-to-drown-a-small-rodent type I tend to favour.  Much as cutting down was a better option than cutting it out altogether, it was extremely difficult because I love coffee.

I don’t think you understand.

I looooooooooooooooooooove coffee.

Black and strong.  Hot.  Delicious.  Just talking about it makes me want some.

It tastes good, it makes me feel good.  I swear, I do a better show when I drink coffee.

In fact, I would go so far as to say that coffee makes me a better person.

And how do I know this?

I drastically cut my coffee intake last week, and several unfortunate things happened on the Monday I began my coffee cold-turkey.

First of all, I yawned.  ON AIR.  Mid-sentence.  And it wasn’t one of those easily-masked, ladylike ones.  It was one of those could-you-open-your-mouth-any-wider, please-don’t-swallow-the-people-in-the-room ones.  Sound effects inclusive.  It was so embarrassing I had to play a song immediately and then endure the taunts of my co-hosts for the rest of the show.

I was even clumsier than usual.  I walked into a door, a cleaning-lady and her bucket, and stepped on a small child in reception.  Now, I’m known to be accident-prone at the best of times but this was just ridiculous!

And then the mood swings.  I have two unbelievably stupid co-hosts and it is part of my job to be the sensible one, the voice of reason when all around are losing their heads.  Regardless of my co-hosts’ behaviour, I am supposed to maintain an air of aloofness and maturity.

But there was no way I could do this without caffeine coursing through my veins.

So of course I lost it.  I can’t remember exactly what was said to me, but I just remember seeing red.  Next thing I knew, I woke up on the floor in studio, blood dripping from the microphones.  My co-hosts haven’t been seen since.

Ok not really.  Unfortunately, the mugwumps are alive and well.

But coffee DOES make me a better person.  And makes it easier to write this article.  So I don’t see myself quitting it just yet.


  1. I can totally relate ! I love my coffee enough to go to a high end place for dinner and just order for coffee.

  2. Ruth you've got it worse than I do!! I hear you though :)

  3. Very funny! I love my coffee too, mostly my office coffee, and mostly my Monday coffee.

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