
Showing posts from October, 2014

Coffee and Me- A love affair.

Last week I attempted, rather unsuccessfully, to wean myself off coffee. I do a morning show on radio 6 days a week, so coffee has become an essential part of my life, and my show. But as part of my new health regimen (that’s for another article, so don’t ask) I needed to cut down the number of cups I drink to no more than two standard-sized mugs a day in lieu of the six large-enough-to-drown-a-small-rodent type I tend to favour.   Much as cutting down was a better option than cutting it out altogether, it was extremely difficult because I love coffee. I don’t think you understand. I looooooooooooooooooooove coffee. Black and strong.   Hot.   Delicious.   Just talking about it makes me want some. It tastes good, it makes me feel good.   I swear, I do a better show when I drink coffee. In fact, I would go so far as to say that coffee makes me a better person. And how do I know this? I drastically cut my coffee intake last ...

Some Truth About Lies

There’s been a lot of noise made about a certain soda company’s radio advert, where a little girl denies having seen her mother’s soda yet we clearly hear her slurping away at the start of the ad. Some concerned citizens have taken it upon themselves to accuse the company of encouraging our children to lie to their parents.   Some radio stations have taken the moral high-ground and gone so far as to edit the offending part of the ad script out, so that we never hear the little girl’s untruth and in so doing, protect our children from learning how to condemn their souls to hell. (I digress, but how do we know that the little girl really hasn’t seen her mother’s soda and is giggling gleefully at the fact that the responsible adult has misplaced it while the child enjoys her own? We already know the mother is rather feckless because, in all honesty, which African mother knocks on her child’s door before entering?   Some of us got in trouble just for closing the door...

Smell Like The Job You Want, Not The Job You Have.

I made a resolution half way through this year that I was going to make an effort to be nicer to people.  I have been accused of being a bit harsh in certain circumstances, but I make no apologies when it comes to people and their hygiene.  If the rest of us have taken the time and effort to ensure we do not assault your nostrils with body odour, what gives you the right to assail our nasal passages and singe the delicate hairs that dwell therein? Of course I know that certain smells are perfectly natural.  We all sweat.  Some more than others.  But we also all have access to soap and water, not to mention deodorants to suit even the most humble of budgets.  Which is why I refuse to accept excuses like ‘oh, but so-and-so works as such-and-such.  It doesn’t matter that they smell.’ In fact, I would go one step further and say there are certain jobs where you are not, under ANY circumstances, allowed to emit any kind of offending smell whatsoeve...