Women- The Most Complex of Creatures.
I got back to work after a few days off last week and was
amused to hear that my co-hosts caused outrage on air when they described women
as crazy, simply because we sometimes say ‘Nothing’ when asked what the matter
is, yet there is clearly some burning issue (not the UTI kind).
Imagine the following scenario:
Girlfriend: (Sigh.. huff and puff... side eye of death
thrown in boyfriend's general direction)
Boyfriend: (looking up from his copy of The Kampala
Sun) What's wrong babe?
Girlfriend: (sigh) Nothing.
Boyfriend: You
sure? Nothing at all?
Girlfriend: I
said nothing's wrong.
Oh. Ok. (shrugs, buries face in pictures
of Sheebah Karungi's cleavage)
Fast forward two hours later, when she has finally cracked...
Girlfriend: You
don't care about me!! I was upset and you didn't even try to find out why!
Boyfriend: (incredulous) But I asked you what was
wrong! You insisted that everything was fine!
Girlfriend: Yes
but you just gave up instantly! I couldn't properly explain what was wrong but
you could have made more of an effort to find out what was wrong!
Boyfriend: (head in hands, wonders why his gorgeous
girlfriend is behaving like one of Satan’s minions. Goes to toilet under the pretext of a Number
2. Continues to ogle pictures of girls
in The Kampala Sun).
It's a common occurrence.
But it doesn't mean that women are crazy. We are just complex creatures. Much as I prefer telling my dude straight up
when I am pissed off about something (especially if it's something he has
done), I understand why my fellow women sometimes clam up and hope that by some
miracle their man has become a mind reader and will figure out what’s bugging
So, to help you guys
out during those times you think that amazing woman you fell in love
with has turned into an incoherent, impossible-to-comprehend creature with a
face that looks like she’s sucking on a lemon, here are some insights into
exactly what she means when you ask her what’s wrong and she says ‘Nothing’.
1. Hormones-
this is not just something we women use to our advantage. It’s real.
One minute we’re fine, the next we’re miserable. Like I said, we are
complex creatures.
pissed her off at work- it could be her boss, work colleagues, or even the
cleaning lady. If she explains the
situation to you, ALWAYS adopt a sympathetic facial expression and look like
you are paying attention.
forgot something important- like an anniversary or the fact that she was
meeting her sister for dinner that evening.
Something she told you about yesterday, which promptly went in one ear
and out the other as soon as she told you.
She will either blast you for forgetting then and there, or she will
keep quiet and simmer until the dam bursts.
You fell
asleep immediately afterwards last night- yes. She’s pissed off. You rolled over and started snoring like a
nasally congested hippo. Not only is it rude, it’s extremely off-putting and
will make her wonder why she even gave you some in the first place.
really is nothing wrong- and the more you ask her what’s wrong, the more
irritated she’ll get. Cut your losses,
and get out of her space. Because in
your efforts to be the solution, you end up being the problem.
Like I said, we’re complex creatures. And there’s nothing wrong with that.
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