The Highs and Lows of being a Foodie.

One of my proudest moments ever was when my Mum felt comfortable enough to leave me alone in the kitchen and not keep peering over my shoulder, giving me tips and being helpful yet somewhat annoying. God bless her. This may seem like an everyday occurrence but what made it all the more momentous for me is that I was making lunch for my Dad. My late Dad was particular about his food. Not that he was difficult. It’s just that as he got older, his tastes changed. A lot. Frequently. So it became a challenge keeping up with what he liked or could not stand the sight of. Being in the kitchen was never a chore for me. I love food and hold the grand title among my siblings, bestowed on me by Mother Dearest, as The One Child Who Ate Anything and Everything Placed On Her Plate. I wasn’t that child who carefully separated each and every sliver of onion from the rest of the food (my sister Asiimwe). Or the child who baulked at the thought of drinking milk or...