Ode To Rudy.

It's my friend Rudende's birthday today.

I met Rudy about three years ago when he came in for a voice test at the radio station where we (now) both work.  He said he was nervous and kept asking if he could go and pee, but to this day it is the best voice test I've ever heard.  We've been working together ever since.

Now it goes without saying that Rudy is one of the craziest, funniest, most scarily-intelligent people I know. He also talks about farting ALOT.  But that's neither here nor there.  He's a brilliant radio presenter, a mad genius of sorts, and a great dad.

Happy birthday, dude.  Here's to being older, wiser, and hopefully, less flatulent.

Oh, and I came up with this on my way to work this morning... tee hee giggle giggle...

''Ode To Rudy'' (to the tune of O Christmas Tree)

Rudende, O Rudende,
Thy flatulent-self sparkles.
O Rudende, O Rudende,
A modern man-made marvel.
You're bigger than my Christmas Tree
And oft you cry 'Just licki me!'
O Rudende, O Rudende
Thy flatulent-self sparkles.


  1. Happy B-day or sh'd I say O' fartly one? Hehehehe!

  2. can't belive I never checked this one out
    write me one sick poem for my desk frame

  3. Damn U Siima!!! now I wish I'D made an impression on U too!!!! In my next life I'll be more foresightful (is that a word?). Happy Belated Birthday Rudende :)


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