Untitled (or, It's July 31st Happy Birthday Kainembabazi I miss you like crazy damn The Rona please stay warm and safe I'll hug you soon)

Kainembabazi Gariyo Sabiti.

See a Queen. LOOOOOK AT HER!! 

First of Your Name, Eldest Child, Top of our Sibling Circle of Life. Always holding your younger siblings down...

Although as if always tying down my FOMO...

And always being supportive. And holding me up.

See sisterly giggles. Again, tying down my FOMO.

I am so blessed to have you in my life, for many reasons. There is no way I could ever list them. But an interesting one comes to mind.

By the time I came along, our parents were so tired they didn't even flinch when, years later, I pierced my ears (again. And again. Aaaand again). My days of mini skirts and 6-inch heels fled in a blur and by the time I got my tattoos, Ma had pretty much set me free. You always said that, as the youngest girl. I got away with murder. And piercings. Anyway. Yeah ok maybe but this isn't about me.

 Again, pinching my rib and holding down my FOMO.

You, on the other hand, always had to get it right. Ok, not always, because our parents knew that you were only human. But you had the unique position of having to set an example. For everyone who came after you. Because you were our big sister and "that's what big sisters do!". I'm paraphrasing somewhat. 

And Kaine, that is exactly what you did. And have done. And continue to do. Your grace, your work ethic, your sense of humour and your loyalty have secured the foundations of the lessons our parents taught us.

 Twins, a sibling apart. Mbu.

Knowing the little messages Mum and Dad would write in every single book they got us, where they would advise each recipient of said book to “keep it for your sibling”, it is no surprise to me that you always share your life lessons with us whenever you can. (I am willing to return the favour and expound on the lessons we can glean from Alice In Wonderland. WhatsApp Call me whenever. Alice knows what IS UP!)

If I grow up to be half the woman you are, I deserve all the puppies! People always say how much I look and sound like you, to the point of getting us mixed up, and I always feel so proud (despite my eyeroll) to share DNA with such a phenomenal woman. (And a blood group. Kumbe we are what again?!)

Happy Birthday Ju. Named for Our Father. Named for Our Mother. We call you JujuBee. Mukulu. Mbabazi. La Seule La Vraie. I miss you, I'm grateful for you, I love you. Always, your baby sister.


  1. Aaawwwww the sistrens!! Mad love and happy born day Kaine!! Well said Kyaku!! 😆😆😆


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