Kanyindo's Random Rated Next Ramblings 3

Day 3- Second Day of Arua Auditions

So, today was D-Day for our 3 finalists from yesterday.  They were pretty good and really brought it today, dressed like the stars they are determined to be.  At least the girls were.  The one male contestant is a mellow fellow, but has a unique rasp to his voice that Esther, Ken and I were all more than impressed with.

I'm trying to avoid posting spoilers, so you'll just have to watch the show when it airs on Urban TV soon.

My wardrobe malfunction aside (managed to splash myself with water before going to the audition room and had to do a last minute change.  This is not a wet t-shirt contest, after all) everything started off well.  Bush made the judges do some interviews, and then we were good to go.

To be honest, I don't have much to report on today because it all went by so fast and without incident.

No wait, I lie.

Two guys came by and begged to audition even though they had missed the first day and we don't accept new contestants on the second day. Luckily for them, the judges were in a good mood and thought, oh what the hell.

One of them, whose stage name is Old Man (I swear.  The stage names of Arua's aspirants are the best), performed a charming rendition of a Lingala classic.  He didn't make it through, but was so confident, friendly and likeable that we felt bad turning him away.  The second guy was a bit odd.  I went through his application form, and noticed that his email address contained the word 'weirdo'.  Our conversation went something like this:

Me: Good morning!  What's your name?

Contestant: Scopas

Me: Hi Scopas!  So, I notice that your email address has the word weirdo in it.  Are you a weirdo?

Contestant: <deadpan> Yes

Me: Oh.  Ok.  Erm.. please go ahead and sing.

His rendition of what was allegedly a Justin Beiber song would have left many a Belieber in sheer disbelief.  Ha!  See what I did there?! No? Nevermind then.

We wrapped up shooting pretty fast.  I went back to my hotel room to sit under the glorious AC, before meeting the team for a lazy lunch, where we talked about the Arua trip and made plans for Lira.

Most of the team are planning to go for the Coca Cola concert slated for later, but considering how much I ate at lunch time, unless I can be rolled to the venue, I don't think I'll make it.

Time to focus and get ready for the long-ass trip back to Kampala and reality.

See you on the other side.


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