
Showing posts from June, 2014

The Baz Betrayal

I’ve been suffering from a serious bout of writer’s block lately.  But don’t worry, this is not one of those articles where I try to explain away my lack of anything interesting to write.  Oh no.  This is simply a thinly veiled attack on a fellow columnist of mine. Ernest Bazanye and I have a small competition every week to see who can be the first to submit their article to our editor Lucy and earn a pat on the head or a chocolate bar.  The fact that I have submitted my article before Baz many times and received neither a pat on the head or a chocolate bar is neither here nor there, because Lucy is just so nice and always thanks you if you send your article in on time, even if she has been breathing heavily down your neck for the past few emails or so.  All’s well that ends well. So, there I was at my desk earlier this week, lamenting the fact that I couldn’t think of anything remotely interesting and only having 45 minutes before my deadline, especial...

Embrace Your Siblings, Warts and All

I was having a conversation with a colleague the other day.  We were discussing siblings and I was shocked at how she talked about hers.  In short, she hates them.  Never speaks to them if she can help it, and can’t remember the last time they were all together apart from at her mother’s funeral.  And even THEN, she claims, they stayed as far away from each other as was physically possible. Now, I know you can’t choose your family.  Fortunately or unfortunately, we have to deal with the cards we have been dealt.  I’ve had my fair share of strange and annoying family members, my own siblings included.  Much as I love them to pieces. I remember there was a time in my childhood when my older sister had hidden some of my toys just to piss me off and I wished that I could exchange her for another, nicer sister.  Or the time my brother was born and promptly stole my position on the throne as baby of the family.   Or the time I ‘ran aw...