Silence Is Golden

One of the greatest things about my job, apart from the fact that I get to listen to music all day every day, is that I am paid to talk.

Granted, I wake up at ungodly hours and have no social life to speak of, but still.  I am paid to yap, chat, prattle, babble, bang my gums, shoot the breeze, chew the fat.  Call it what you will.

Now, this is all well and good seeing as most of the time I am quite a chatterbox.  Which explains the general alarm when Siima is (gasp) QUIET.

It doesn’t happen often.

But sometimes, I just don’t feel like talking.  I just want to be still, be silent, and keep my thoughts to myself.
And there is nothing more annoying at times like these than everyone asking you what’s wrong and why you’re so quiet.

I go quiet for various reasons.  Maybe I’m not feeling too well.  Or I’m tired, or sad.  Or maybe, there’s someone in the room that I really, REALLY don’t want to talk to, but I don’t want to make it so obvious by talking to everyone else and ignoring them.  So I have to just ignore everyone.  Which on the one hand is good, because I can be left to my silence, until they all notice that I’ve gone quiet and start bugging me about it.

The thing is, I wish more people would take the time to just shut the hell up.

Politicians, for example.  Stop yapping and actually DO something useful.

Then there is always that one work colleague who feels that something is off kilter if they, and everyone else within a 5 mile radius, can’t hear their voice.  Whenever I come across such a person I have to fight the urge to stuff one of their (probably smelly) socks down their throat.

Speaking of smelly things, why is it that people with the worst oral hygiene are the ones who feel the need to invade your personal space when talking to you?  You try to keep a respectful distance, but then they refuse to project their voices and therefore get closer to you just to get their message across.  Why?  In the name of all things sacred and fragrant, why?!

I went to a Quaker school for 7 years, so I know quite a bit about sitting in silence, not to mention the benefits of doing so.  When I find my quiet spot I can think, plan, dream, and come up with something vaguely interesting to send to my editor so she doesn’t have to send me threatening emails.

All I’m saying is, once in a while, do yourself and the rest of the world a favour.  And shut the hell up.


  1. Couldn't have put it better myself. Now to find my inner chi................


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