Crazy Studio Entrances

I do a breakfast show on radio.  Much as I love my job and have been at it for a few years now, sounding chirpy at 6am never gets any easier.

To cheer myself up and get my mojo levels up to where I needed them to deliver a kick-ass show, I started Tweeting my crazy entrances into studio.  People seemed to like them and they've become a bit of a morning tradition- I keep challenging myself to come up with an even crazier one each morning.

One of my followers on Twitter recently asked me to compile a list of my personal favourites from the past couple of months.  Who was I to say no?

Maybe one day, I'll actually get my crazy co-hosts to film the damn things.  Until then, here we go. Siima's Craziest Studio Entrances.  Enjoy :)

*grabs wand, dons fairy wings and flits prettily into studio* 
*dons red leather cat suit and does the Oops I Did It Again dance into studio* 
*bungee jumps into studio and executes perfect landing in swivel chair* 
*grabs castanets and Flamenco-dances into studio* 
*shaves head, puts in nose-ring, dons Sex Pistols t-shirt and pogo-dances into studio* 
*dons weave and hot pants and does the Gyal Ah Bubble dance into studio*
*pulls muscle in bum, stops doing the Gyal Ah Bubble dance and gets ready to do the show* 
*dons pum-pum shorts and does the butterfly into studio*
*dons blond wig and black hot pants and does the Run The World dance into studio*
*wraps self in barkcloth and does Ekitagururo into studio*
*dons fishnet tights and a corset and does the can-can into studio*
In case you were wondering, I donned batty-riders and did the butterfly into studio. Ok bye. 
*dons WWII helmet and gas mask and crawls into studio* 
*dons fedora hat and diamond-encrusted glove, spins, goes en pointe, grabs crotch and moonwalks into studio* 
*dons Playboy Bunny outfit complete with ears and cotton tail. Hops into studio.*
*dons tight leather cat-suit a la Black Widow and karate-chops her way into studio*
*dons cheerleader outfit, grabs pom-poms and somersaults into studio* 
*dons top hat, coat and tails, grabs cane and tap dances into studio* 
*dons Afro wig, platform heels and bell-bottoms and does the Electric Slide into studio* 
*dons Wonder Woman costume and kicks her way into studio* 
*dons All Blacks jersey and does the Haka into studio*
*dons Earth Wind and Fire costume and grooves into studio* 
*tucks bandana into back pocket and crip walks into studio*
*dons Buffalo costume complete with horns and tail. Charges into studio*
*dons cone-shaped Jean Paul Gaultier bra and blond wig. Vogues into studio*
*dons yellow Uma Thurman Kill Bill suit complete with Hattori Hanzo sword and slices her way into studio * 
*dons short red skirt and white sweater, grabs pom-poms and does cheerleader dance <complete with splits> into studio*
*dons shades, white-top shoes and baby-blue dinner jacket. Gangnam Styles into studio*


  1. One Word - Fantastic!

  2. Hahahah this is some Yap just. Some guud yap!

    Can so picture Rudende & Bush beating drums to theme music of that Kitaguuro entrance.


  3. awesome! Lurve the Jean Paul Gaultier reference the most!!!


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