Untitled (or, Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole of Culture and Biodiversity).

A few days ago, I joined a group of pretty cool people to learn more about the work National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) does when it comes to protecting and preserving Uganda’s biodiversity. I was super excited because, ROAD TRIP! Also, I knew I was guaranteed a fun time with this crew. <l-r Telma, Laura, Lilian, Uncle Mo, The Mith, Me, Kwizera and Edward>** We were off to visit the Kalagala-Itanda Offset (no relation to the rapper), which was recently declared a Special Conservation Area. This means that it shall be protected and conserved as a natural habitat and water catchment for the Nile system to provide environmental, ecological, social, spiritual, cultural and economic values. Kalagala-Itanda Offset* O...