HBD, B. (Happy Birthday, Bish.)

I didn’t think that it was possible to make firm friends past a certain age in life. Don’t ask me why I settled on this (non) fact. Maybe because I’m so set in my ways, I can be a bit weird sometimes, plus I rarely hang out and will happily spend a weekend at home, cooking, reading, pottering around, listening to music and chilling with my dogs. Not exactly a place to meet people and expand my social circle. But I’m not complaining. I met Kemiyondo on Twitter. Like, for real. There I was, minding my own business and loving hard on Idris. I remember it was about a month before my birthday, and people had started Tweeting Idris to wish me a Happy Birthday. (This campaign was in its 6 th year. Eh. We tried). Yes. This actually happened. Sigh. So this chick starts trolling me. Yes, TROLLING. Talking about how she’s his other wife, bla bla bla. We had some interesting exchanges. She has no manners. F...