Of Unfathomable Mind Blocks
I received a tweet last week that left me crippled with guilt. A self-proclaimed ‘ardent reader’ declared that I hadn’t updated my blog for ten days (sadly true), that he was ‘down on his knees’ (not sure if he was literally or figuratively speaking), and basically pleaded in the most endearing way that I get my arse in gear and write something (of course he was too much of a gentleman to put it that way, but I think that’s what he meant). Much as things have been stupidly manic at work, I know that is no excuse for not putting down at least 300 words on some topic or other. There has been A LOT going on: what with nude pictures and beloved comics accused of sexual assault, not to mention THAT maid video, you’d think I’d have plenty of material at my disposal to yap about. But I’ve been in the grip of a mind-block so severe it has literally taken my breath away. I’ve tried everything- chilled music, exercise, sitting in silence, reading my fa...