Happy Birthday Kaine!!

♥♦ ♥♦♥♦♥♦♥ Today I celebrate my eldest sister Kaine. ♥♦ How can I describe a friend, mentor, hairdresser, teacher, cheerleader and so much more in just a few words? I don’t think I ever could. Even with my penchant for verbosity, I struggle when it comes to succinctly describing what you mean to me. ♥♦ As graceful as your name. ♥♦ Kainembabazi ♥♦ How many times have I been told how much I look like you? If one day, my life and my success can equal yours, I will truly be blessed. I wouldn’t mind your air miles either. Just saying. ♥♦ It has been a tough year, for all of us. This birthday is different in so many ways- not just because we’re all another year older, but because we won’t celebrate with one of the most important people in our lives. We won’t get that customary message from our father telling us how much we mean to him. I know Daddy is looking down at you and feeling just as proud of you as he a...