How To Survive A Typical Ugandan Meeting
I am allergic to meetings. The nature of my job means that I sit in various meetings during the week. Which is all well and good if the following things happen: There is an agenda Members arrive on time Agenda is actually followed But this is Uganda. Which means that more often than not, the reality is as follows: Agenda? What agenda? People saunter in when the spirit moves them see Item 1 above. Seeing as meetings are a necessary evil that cannot be avoided unless you are ill or close to death (leave alone the fact that meetings tend to leave me feeling that way), I have devised a survival kit of sorts. I am sharing this with you, dear reader, because I refuse to believe that I am the only person who has walked out of a meeting feeling brain-dead, lamenting the last three hours of my life that I will never get back. Please note that this survival kit applies to board meetings, staff meetings, wedding meetings. ...