
Showing posts from February, 2014

A Letter To My 16 Year Old Self...

I saw an interesting tweet the other day that got me thinking- If you could give one piece of advice to your 16 year old self, what would it be? I’d have A LOT to say to my 16 year old self.  Since I have more space here, I decided to write her a letter. Dear Siima, You probably won’t want to hear anything I have to say, because you’re going through a particularly anti-social, teenage angst-ridden phase, but if I could just bother you to take your headphones off for a minute, I’d like to share some pearls of wisdom with you. First of all.  That drama at school? No big deal.  Seriously.  You will all have moved on to the next argument in a few weeks and all will be forgotten.  Also, I’d suggest that you pay a bit more attention in your History class, because you ARE actually going to take it for GCSEs.  You are going to drop Design and Technology and take up R.E instead.  But guess what?  You’ll love it! And you’ll get an excellent...

Writer's Block Is NOT A Myth...

I normally love Wednesdays. Not for the same reasons as most people I know- my co-hosts, for example, are always making jokes about it being Hump Day, winking and hi-fiving each other (idiots). No.  My reason for loving Wednesdays is simply that they fall halfway through the week. After the tension and stress of Monday, burdened with the feeling of loss that comes with the end of the weekend, I can finally feel that knot in my back relax and start looking forward to Sunday, the one day of the week when I can lie in until 6am (or later). Problem is, I dread Wednesdays now.  Why, you may ask?  Because if I have haven’t submitted this article by then, my editor’s friendly reminders get a bit more urgent.  Don’t get me wrong, she’s lovely and extremely un-dragon-like.  Which makes me feel even worse when I haven’t thought of anything remotely interesting or witty to write about by Tuesday night. The reminders tend to go a bit like this: Monday ...