Real-life love vs Love In The Movies
Over the weekend, I watched the 80s classic Pretty Woman. Basic plot- frustrated rich man takes a drive on Hollywood Boulevard, picks up hot streetwise prostitute and takes her back to his hotel. She lives there for about a week, he takes her clothes-shopping so that he can introduce her to his rich friends, she fights the fact that she is falling for him, they argue because she feels he has treated her like a hooker (duh), she leaves, he realizes he is in love with her, goes to her grotty apartment in his limousine, rescues her from a life on her back and they live happily ever after. It’s a great film, don’t get me wrong. But just how realistic is it? In a Ugandan setting? Picture this: frustrated Ugandan business man drives to Kabalagala in the wee hours of the morning. Spots a relatively decent-looking prostitute, picks her up and takes her to his hotel (NOT lodge, please note). The next day, she is ready to pick her dime and flee the...