
Showing posts from October, 2012

Siima's Top 7 Signs That They Are Only After One Thing (And I'm Not Talking About True Love.)

A friend of mine started dating a work colleague earlier this year.  Or at least she  thinks  they're dating.  He clearly has other ideas.  Not only has she never met any of his friends or family (they've been dating/shagging for 6 months now), but he insists on keeping their relationship top secret- because of work (he says).  Yeah right. He calls her at odd hours, turns up to her flat unannounced and only hangs out with her at the dodgiest bars and clubs.  Where they are unlikely to bump into anyone they know. She thinks this is because, and I quote, ''he just wants to be alone with me.'' I know, right?! Personally, I am not convinced and have tried in vain to make her see sense.  So many times, we women confuse a man's actions and twist them to suit what we would  like  his intentions to be. We've all done it.  Even the fellas do it occasionally. (you know who you are). So I've taken it upon myself to point ou...

Africa Time.

Ok, I've had it.  It's time to rant. I am sick and tired of the malaise that has been used as an excuse for as far back as I can remember.  Africa Time. In case you are unfamiliar with this sorry excuse for lateness and general fecklessness, 'Africa Time' is defined by Wikipedia as ''a perceived cultural tendency, in some parts of Africa , toward a more relaxed attitude to time . This is sometimes used in a pejorative sense, about tardiness in appointments, meetings and events.''  I prefer to define it as the delay of everything one has to do, be it deliver a report, turn up for a meeting or attend one's own funeral, to no less than two hours later than the agreed time.  Almost all Africans have arrived at a certain destination, late, grinning sheepishly at whoever they have kept waiting and then shrugging helplessly while muttering ''Africa time!'' as if its something to be proud of. Then there's the other excuse- wh...

Buying Gifts For Guys- An Exercise in Discombobulation

I’m one of those girls who has a lot of men in her life. Let me clarify. I work in a male-dominated environment, and most of my friends are dudes.  It’s just one of those things.  Judging by this fact, it should follow that I know a lot about men and how they think.  So buying a gift for a male friend should be a cinch, right? Wrong. One of my girls was travelling to the States recently and was going to meet up with a mutual friend of ours.  I wanted to send him something, but when it came to deciding what to get, I was stumped.  What do you get for a guy? If you’re not giving him beer or food or a romp between the sheets? Fathers and brothers are pretty easy- a tie, a box set of his favourite series, that sort of thing.  But what do you get for a guy you aren’t dating? Without coming across as a) hinting that you want your friendship to develop into something more, b) stingy, c) unimaginative or d) all of the above? As a rule, I b...

The Right Trim- A Guide to Fashionable Facial Hair for Men.

We met at our usual joint for our weekly catch-up.  I’d had a long day at the office and couldn’t wait to kick off my heels (figuratively speaking.  Taking your shoes off in a bar is not exactly the done thing...) and have a glass of red wine while chatting to my girls. After arguing about who had the bitchiest boss (Dora.  Her boss is the Devil Incarnate), the best hairdresser (Daphne. Jackson is a magician with curling tongs), the biggest loser-of-a-boyfriend (Agnes.  But that’s another story), and the most useless house-help (yours truly), the conversation turned to the inevitable- men. This wasn’t your usual, run-of-the-mill, all-the-good-men-are-married-or-gay discussion (true as that may be.  Sigh…).  Daphne had recently gotten engaged to her long-time boyfriend Amos, who seemed to be going through a crisis of sorts ever since he had popped the question.  You see, Amos is one of those… how can I put this delicately?-‘follically-blessed...